Founder’s Message

Founder's Message (Dr. Matthew Woo)

In writing this address as outgoing President of EMDR Singapore for 2010-2012, I am thankful for the immense contributions of the inaugural EMDR committee members.  Allow me to list their contributions and their respective positions.

EMDR Singapore July 2010 – April 2012

1. Present – Dr Matthew Woo
2. Vice President – Ben Ho
3. Hon Secretary – Ip Lee Lee
4. Asst. Hon. Secretary – Carol Goh
5. Hon. Treasurer – Linda Koh
6. Asst. Hon. Treasurer – Vera Handojo
7. Certification Sub-Committee:
a. Li Jen Tan (Chairperson)
b. Dr Jasmine Pang
c. Ben Ho
8. Committe Members
a. Kwek Boon Siang
b. Dr. Vanessa von Auer

We also want to record a word of appreciation to Stuart Tan our webmaster (2010-2012), who has in the midst of all his busy schedule, volunteered his time to get our website up.

EMDR Singapore started as an idea that spawned in the minds of four founding members at Sigmund Burzynski’s training seminars in 2009.  I remember the four of us (Linda, Lee Lee and Ben, and myself) looking at each other across the table during the tea-break, and feeling that we need to contribute towards the growth of EMDR in Singapore in some way.  And that was how we began, a dialogue of beginning aspirations that took us on a journey that resulted in the formation of EMDR Singapore. Today we have 60 plus members, and recognised by EMDRIA and EMDR Asia as a key contributing member of a regional/international network.  While the key role of any EMDRIA-recognised member is to establish and uphold international/regional standards of practice, training and certification, I believe that EMDR Singapore has gone beyond its core strategic mission in its inaugural term.  We have been the coordinating body for EMDR basic level training, with our key members initiating and organizing seminars at various venues.  In 2011, Dr Jasmine Pang coordinated the Basic Level Training at Changi General Hospital with Dr Gary Quinn as the trainer and some EMDR Singapore committee members as facilitators; in July 2012, we will host Sigmund Burzynski at the Institute of Mental Health with several committee members contributing as facilitators and supervisors.  EMDR Singapore will also be hosting Dr Roger Solomon in June 2012 for an expert forum as well as an Advanced Skills Workshop aptly named as “The Art and Dance of EMDR”.  Our inaugural run of the “Art and Dance” in 2010 was a success, with 35 members attending the forum.

I also recognize the exciting possibility of how we can grow from this core network of facilitators who have received their certification in 2010 with the EMDR Institute (Ben Ho, Lee Lee Ip, Linda Koh, Dr Matthew Woo); these facilitators have already been helping with the peer supervision sessions coordinated by Vera Handojo at various venues hosted by Linda and Dr. Vanessa.  We welcome other prospects joining in with the facilitators’ training conducted by Sigmund Burzynski and leading to certification recognised by the EMDR Institute.  The facilitator’s training is the first step to being an EMDR trainer, and we look forward to the likely prospect of having our very first local certified trainer in a few years!

We are also looking to the possibility of having certification for EMDR practioners, and here, I am grateful for the contributions made by Li Jen and her team in bringing clarity to the certification process. Do check our website for the certification process and criterion as well as the rates offered by our approved supervisors!

We look forward to your continual participation in our activities and warmest regards from the outgoing EMDR Singapore team 2010-2012. Remember to renew your membership!!