We are always pleased to welcome new members to our organisation!
Members’ benefits include name listing on website, discounts at association-organised events, and access to selected EMDR resources.
The membership categories include the following:
(a) Full Membership is open to persons who have completed all requirements of an EMDR Singapore Approved Basic Training. Full Members shall enjoy all privileges of membership, including the right to vote and hold office.
(b) Ordinary Membership is open to persons who have completed all the requirements (including consultation hours) of at least Part/Weekend 1 of (2) of an EMDR Singapore Approved EMDR Basic Training. Ordinary Members shall enjoy all privileges of membership, including the right to vote and hold office.
(c) Provisional Membership is open to persons who have registered for have registered for and/or in the process of completing the requirements of Part/Weekend 1 (of 2) of an EMDR Singapore Approved EMDR Training. Provisional Members shall enjoy all privileges of membership, except the right to vote and hold office.
(d) Associate Membership is open to persons who are interested in EMDR, and/or attended training(s) on EMDR that has not been approved by EMDR Singapore. Associate Members shall enjoy all privileges of membership, except the right to vote and hold office.
(e) Overseas Membership is open to persons who qualify for membership on either a, b, c or d but are not residing in Singapore. Overseas Members shall
enjoy all privileges of membership except the right to vote and hold office.
He/she would not be included in any computation of a quorum.
(f) Honorary Membership is open to persons who, by reason of their eminence in the EMDR practice or their substantial contribution, may be elected to Honorary Membership by the Annual General Meeting on recommendation of the Executive Committee. An Honorary Member shall not be liable to pay as subscription fee but shall enjoy all other privileges of membership, including the right to vote and stand for office. Those who do not meet the Full or Ordinary Membership requirements may not be eligible to vote or stand for office.
Please note that the application for new membership registration/renewal will start in mid-March. The new link will be made available after the Annual General Meeting to be held on 8 March 2025.
For any queries on membership, please email: membership@emdr.sg
Membership fess: SGD40 (1 year) or SGD110 (3 years)
One year of membership runs from 1st April of current year to 31st March of the following year.