Basic Training


There are many variations of EMDR Basic Training around the world. However, not all are recognised by EMDR Singapore as an Approved EMDR Basic Training programme.

Only those who have completed an Approved EMDR Basic Training recognised by EMDR Singapore will be eligible for certification with our association. Certain advanced or specialty trainings also may require proof of attendance of an approved EMDR basic training programme.

To find out if a specific training is recognised by EMDR Singapore, please write to us at

EMDR Basic Training is usually offered in two parts. Each part should consist minimally of a 3-day in-classroom workshop – 10 hours of lecture, 10 hours of supervised practice – followed after by a minimum of 5 consultation hours/sessions.

Consultation is provided by the trainer (or an Approved Consultant), on individual / group basis. Consultation involves presenting, question-and-answer and receiving feedback on cases seen by the participants where EMDR was used as the treatment approach.

Participants who are eligible for an Approved EMDR Basic Training programme and completed all the requirements of the training will receive a “Certificate of Completion” and considered an EMDR Trained clinician.

After Basic Training, participants are encouraged to continue to develop their competency in EMDR Therapy through ongoing case consultations with an Approved Consultant as well as participation in EMDR-related advanced/specialty trainings/conferences. These would contribute to meeting the requirements to become an EMDR Singapore Certified EMDR Practitioner.